How to create environmental awareness in our children

Recycle, turn off the lights when leaving a room, take care of the plants,... the sooner they learn good habits, the better. Any occasion is good to teach our children ecological measures. There are many gestures to adopt on a day to day basis that help preserve our planet. In order for future generations to acquire [...]

How to create environmental awareness in our children2025-03-07T11:38:16+02:00

6 apps to take care of the environment

Did you know that Spaniards spent an average of two hours and 11 minutes a day with their mobile phone? This represents almost one day a week. Our country is among the top five that invests the most time using the mobile phone. According to the Ditrendia study, Mobile in Spain and in the World,the mobile is [...]

6 apps to take care of the environment2025-03-07T11:38:17+02:00

How to care for the environment while running

Bester, as a renewable energy company committed to caring for the environment, supports any initiative that promotes the care of the environment or activities that lead to the construction of a present world and a better future for all. Therefore, an activity such as "Plogging” is an initiative that Bester supports. WHAT IS THE "PLOGGING"? [...]

How to care for the environment while running2025-03-07T11:38:17+02:00

Progress in photovoltaic

Solar energy has revolutionized the global energy landscape thanks to its sustainable alternative source characteristics. The commitment of governments and industries to solar energy as a substitute for coal to contribute to sustainable development and fight against climate change is increasingly high. In this sense, experts in solar energy continue experimenting to take solar photovoltaic [...]

Progress in photovoltaic2025-03-07T11:38:18+02:00

Digital transformation in the renewables sector

The Digital transformation in enterprises is an unavoidable process for the development of companies. On this occasion, we spoke with Cristina Gadea, Head of Communication at Bester, about the importance of Digital Transformation in general, and in particular, in the renewable energy sector. IN YOUR OPINION, WHY IS DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION NECESSARY IN COMPANIES? The digital [...]

Digital transformation in the renewables sector2025-03-07T11:38:18+02:00

Interview with Pierre Meulemans, project manager at the self-consumption installation of Zaudín Golf Club

IT HAS BEEN 3 MONTHS SINCE YOU INSTALLED PHOTOVOLTAIC ROOF IN THE CLUB ZAUDIN GOLF. WHAT BENEFITS IS IT GIVING TO THE CLUB? The average consumption of Zaudin Golf Club is 25,000 kWh / month during the day and the photovoltaic installation produces 10,500 kWh per month, therefore covering up to more than 40% of [...]

Interview with Pierre Meulemans, project manager at the self-consumption installation of Zaudín Golf Club2025-03-07T11:38:20+02:00

Digital Transformation in the renewable energy sector

Digital technologies play a fundamental role for all companies. Today we focus on the influence on the sector that concerns us: the digital transformation in the sector of renewable energies. WHAT ARE THE KEYS TO DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION FOR COMPANIES? There are four "levers" or "keys" by which are restructuring are business models: Digital information allows [...]

Digital Transformation in the renewable energy sector2025-03-07T11:38:21+02:00

Fossil fuels vs. renewable energy

What advantages do we find in renewable energy against fossil fuels? For thousands of centuries we have used fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas in the day to day of the humanity. But these resources are limited, and with them we pollute the environment. Are then renewable energies a viable alternative to [...]

Fossil fuels vs. renewable energy2025-03-07T11:38:22+02:00

5 tips to help the environment

Have you ever wondered how much pollution you generate? According to estimates published in El País, each Spaniard generates on average some 440 kilos of waste in their home, that is, we produce about 21 million tons of waste a year, and that without the use of appliances, light, transportation and the use of running [...]

5 tips to help the environment2019-10-18T10:54:40+02:00

Evolution or stopping of photovoltaic solar energy in Spain? We do a brief review of its history

Spain is a country that enjoys many hours of sun a day and well distributed throughout the year, so it is, in this sense, a good candidate for the construction and development of photovoltaic solar energy facilities. Our country was one of the first countries in the world in solar energy research and development (photovoltaic [...]

Evolution or stopping of photovoltaic solar energy in Spain? We do a brief review of its history2019-10-18T10:32:23+02:00
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