
- Identification of strategic markets.
- Development of renewable energy projects, from technical design to obtaining permits, licenses and authorizations (PLAs) to operate the plants.
- Knowledge of renewable energy regulation in different countries.
- Working with local partners to obtain their knowledge and experience in order to speed up the granting of permits and construction.
- Contracting of internationally recognized legal and technical offices.
- Planning, definition of strategies and identification of potential investors.
- Evaluate the characteristics of the project, both technical and financial.
- Creation of the appropriate structure and incorporation of the necessary SPVs.
- Identification of potential investors.
- Sale of the SPVs to the Client.
- Engineering, Supply, Construction, Installation and Start-up of wind and photovoltaic projects.
- Environmental Health and Safety obligations and regulations apply to the design, construction and operation of the facility.
- Control, inspection and collaboration in the final phase of construction.
- Testing and verification of the installation to ensure that the project complies with the design and quality criteria established with the client and in accordance with international and local standards.
- Link between the execution of the final work and the start of operation and maintenance.
- Preventive Maintenance:
- Inverters, transformers, MT switchgear, surveillance systems …
- Photovoltaic modules, structures, trackers …
- Cleaning, soil maintenance, pest control …
- Predictive Maintenance:
- Performance analysis (modules and other equipment)
- Thermographic studies.
- Corrective maintenance:
- Repairs minimizing production losses due to failures.
- Other services:
- General coordination (technical training, updating of procedures …)
- Management of guarantees and insurance policies.
- Health, safety and environmental performance.
- Plant security and surveillance.
- Monitoring:
- Real time monitoring to ensure production.
- Advanced monitoring platform.
- Own control room with video wall (designed for photovoltaic plants).
- Reports:
- Daily alarm reports.
- Analysis of monthly in-depth performance, with job descriptions.
- Engineering reviews for critical problems.

- Basic and detail engineering.
- Licenses: obtaining construction permits.
- Supply of modules.
- BOS (execution of civil works, assembly of panels, supply and assembly of inverters and structures, LV/MT electrical installation, communications and monitoring system, alarm system, auxiliary systems, etc.).
- Commissioning.
- PAC (provisional delivery of the plant)
- Warranty period, between 1 and 3 years from provisional delivery.
- Link between the execution of the final work and the start of O&M.
- Signature of definitive delivery of the plant.
- Engineering
- Licensing
- Supply of modules
- Supply of inverters and structure
- Commissioning
- Warranty period
- EPC-O&M Link
- Signature plant delivery
- Engineering
- Licensing
- Supply of modules, inverters and structure
- Execution of civil works, assembly of panels, assembly of inverters and structure, LV/MV electrical installation, communications and monitoring system, alarm system, auxiliary systems, etc.).
- Commissioning
- Warranty period
- EPC-O&M Link
- Signature plant delivery
- Supervision, inspection and commissioning for each phase of construction.
- Coordinate all available resources to achieve the success of the project in the limitations established with the client of time, quality and budget.
- Responsibility in matters of health, safety and hygiene.
- Manage any setbacks with contractors.
- Correction of defective work.
Differential advantages
- Integration into strategic markets in the renewable energy sector, considering optimal location conditions, natural factors and incentives.
- Vertical integration of the value chain of each project: Development, EPC and O&M of our own renewable energy projects. We are involved in the complete life cycle of the projects, which includes land selection, design, financing, permits, engineering, supply, construction, installation, monitoring, operation and maintenance.
- EPC and O&M services in Romania, Italy, UK, France, Bulgaria, Germany, Portugal and Mexico.
- Projects developed and under development -Pipeline project- in Mexico, Italy and Spain.
Fixed structure vs solar trackers / Single row vs multi row axis tracker / Vertical vs horizontal position of the photovoltaic panels / Use of different types of panels and number of units per row in each installation, to maximize the power level and the quality of energy production / Centralized inverters vs distributed inverters / Cable trays vs underground cables /.
- A portfolio of more than 5 GW under development, around 1000 MW ready to build.
- Almost 1GW of photovoltaic projects installed.
- We have provided Operation and Maintenance Services on photovoltaic projects totaling over 600 MW since 2011.
- The company has a strong brand image, with high recognition in the sector thanks to the high quality of services provided in recent years.
- Bester deals with highly complex projects in record time, both in terms of design and execution.
- Bester has achieved ISO 9001 Certification.
- Emphasis on proactive and preventive practices: identification, evaluation and control of occupational risks.
- Bester is accredited with the Occupational Health and Safety Management System 18001 (OHSAS) certificate.
- Monitoring, measurement and control of the environmental aspects generated in each of the activities developed in the organization.
- Bester received ISO 14001 certification in 2011 for its environmentally friendly operations.
9. Reduction of the environmental impact measured by the carbon footprint generated by its activity.
Bester was certified under ISO 14064, Bester’s greenhouse gas (GHG) quantification and reporting methodology, which is neutralized by the company through the acquisition of carbon credits -CERs (Certified Emission Reductions)- issued by the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)-, which are acquired in the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS).
- Use of the ERP platform for the total integration of all areas of the company.
- CMMS software with mobile application for better O&M management.
- SCADA systems specifically designed for renewable energy production facilities.
- Updated instrumentation (advanced drones, thermal cameras, electronic meters …)
Shall we begin?
Investing in photovoltaic solar energy is safe and profitable, it has become a highly valued option for investors worldwide. Solar energy attracts more than 17% of global investments in the energy sector, a growing trend in the coming years.
We can all commit to clean energy: large corporations, SMEs, from any organization to small energy consumers.