Bester joins the Association PV CYCLE Italia to comply with mandatory obligations of collection and recycling of PV modules at the end of thier useful life, and thus contribute to a sustainable treatment of waste.

Usually, the “manufacturers of photovoltaic modules” who provide their end-customers an accredited collection and recycling service, but Bester, as the developer, EPC (engineering, supply and construction) and operator and maintainer of renewable energy plants, assumes this complete role of this entire project, providing added value to its customers by assuming the responsibility of participating in the process of waste management generated throughout the life of the project.
The photovoltaic industry is already prepared for when large amounts of photovoltaic panels arrive at the end of their useful life in the following years.
José Manuel Leal, Head of the Quality and Environment Department at Bester, admits that “these waste management solutions are a great advancement in recycling, since it includes collection, transportation, and treatment, taking advantage of some components for reuse and recycling others for different uses; as a result, there is a reduction in the consumption of raw materials, thus preventing a greater generation of waste. In this manner, Bester encourages the transition towards a low carbon emissions circular economy.
In 2012, the European Parliament and Council approved the directive 2012 / 19 / EU on waste of electrical and electronic appliances (WEEE).
According to the data provided by the Vice President of Forward Planning and Analysis of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Environment, the waste management sector is the highest generator of green employment in Spain and represents 27% of the total green employment in our country. The green project Biodiversidad-Emplea 2007-2013 estimated that the amount of jobs generated by this impulse in the preparation for the reuse of WEEE can reach 4,700 direct jobs.”
Bester uses various technologies for the exploitation of renewable energies for sustainable development, so that current and future generations enjoy a better life, bringing value to all stakeholders thanks to its excellent quality of service. Bester contributes to environmental sustainability through the Development, Engineering, Construction (EPC), and Operation and Maintenance of renewable energy infrastructures worldwide(
Cristina Gadea Morant
Tel. ( 34) 954 15 95 50
PV CYCLE is a non-profit association, supported by its members, offering specialized solutions for waste management and services for regulatory compliance to companies with waste in any country in the world.
Founded in 2007 by and only for the photovoltaic (PV) industry, it already currently covers a wide range of residues.
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